Top 3 Twitter Updates of All Time... So Far

Monday, April 27, 2009

Twitter updates are most often used to communicate the simple things in life: political opinions, link sharing, what you’re eatting, etc. But there are some exceptional, circumstances where Twitter has been used in some ways that can only be explained as bizarre. Below are the 3 most extraordinary and creative uses of Twitter updates that I have ever come across.

3. Tweeting From Space (aka Spaweeting)

When ice was found on Mars, how did the news break? Through CNN? Maybe a publication? Wrong. The statement that ice had been discovered on Mars was first made by the Twitter account of the Mars Phoenix Lander

The Mars Phoenix Lander was a space vessel designed to collect information on Mars, in particular, whether or not Mars could support life. The response was nothing short of amazing, with thousands of followers and increased buzz for the Mars mission and Twitter alike.

This had to make the list because Mars Phoneix Lander is truly the first to post status updates from another world. I bet you didn’t know that!

2. Tweeting from the womb (aka Infantweets)

What’s the record for the youngest Tweeter? If you’re Corey Menscher’s child, it’s never too early. Corey’s baby was tweeting at 6 months….before he was even born. Corey created a device and a Twitter account, kickbee, which sent out tweets anytime little Tyler kicked his mommy. Tyler was born on January 19th, 2009 and now “tweets” from his new account, @minimensch

1. The marriage proposal (I have no term for this one…)

On May 28th, Max Kiesler proposed to Emily Chang via Twitter. And with a quick response, she accepted.

Stunning! What a way for these two social media enthusiasts to become connected forever. Also, let’s not forget the additional benefit of allowing thousands of people to be part of the special moment.

Others have also gotten engaged using Twitter since: @garazi to @stefsull and @grobertson to @film_girl.


Johnny Blaze said...

The baby that was Tweeting before he was even born is just ridiculous. How much free time do these people actually have?

April 27, 2009 at 12:41 PM
Anonymous said...

How about Tweeji and Tweeting from dead people, you can find an article about it on here as well. That's even crazier!

May 21, 2009 at 6:39 PM

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